More $ back + wider territory for CA Grid Relief Retrofit – update Fall 2022

California is ready to pay growers for reducing electric consumption through retrofit projects. Cultivators can receive over 100% in incentives for fixtures. Yes, that’s free new fixtures. Seinergy is here to make that process predictable, and help growers maximize their cash-back.

The recently-updated Grid Relief program includes potentially larger payouts than previously predicted. In addition, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric have joined Pacific Gas & Electric’s to increase the eligible territory. 

A component of this unique incentive, includes Seinergy analysts evaluating actual billing data and helping growers understand how to increase their cash-back rebates. Methods altering affecting the rebate includes equipment upgrades, load shifting and more.

Qualified projects include facilities on commercial meters that do not regularly use generators. New fixtures should represent most of the fixtures within a facility. There must also be no expansions in the canopy for the following 12 months.

All Gavita, Luxx and Agrolux LED fixtures, or Quest units qualify.  The exact rebate will depend on many factors, and will be paid out through installments over 1 year. See table below for $-back range potential. California Growers interested in a retrofit can check out the FAQs or enroll here.

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