Just how much energy does it take to grow a little weed?

“There are very few other businesses that can use as much energy,” says Ron Flax, a sustainability official in Boulder County, Colorado. http://www.portlandmercury.com/portland/getting-baked/Content?oid=16246263

Researcher Evan Mills found that emissions caused by one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of pot are roughly equal to driving across the country seven times in a fuel-efficient car. http://www.portlandmercury.com/portland/getting-baked/Content?oid=16246263

“Agrijuana … uses a fifth of the power of a typical grow its size, saving nearly $750 a dayhttp://www.portlandmercury.com/portland/getting-baked/Content?oid=16246263

In California, marijuana production accounts for about 3% of electric use, according to the study. http://www.utilitydive.com/news/this-is-the-grid-this-is-the-grid-on-legalized-marijuana-any-questions/233103/

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