Cash-back for occasionally dimming fixtures: Los Angeles growers, sign up today!

LA Department of Water & Power seeks high electric users for Summer ‘22 demand response program

Indoor commercial growers can earn cash by partnering with LADWP in a revised demand response program. Financial incentives are offered for signing up, and even more are delivered for dimming fixtures upon request. There is limited funding available for summer 2022. Interested growers should sign up today.

Commercial growers using 50 or more indoor LED or HID horticultural fixtures are eligible.  Participating in the program comes with zero financial risk and growers may choose not to dim fixtures at all. There are no licensing requirements, no inspections, and no cost to enter. Growers can sign up through Seinergy who will administer the paperwork, payments, and try to propose shifting that is realistic for indoor horticultural operations.

For example, a 250 HID operation could earn $10,000 back for dimming fixtures 50% for 4 hours a few times per year. This can add up to a >$100K revenue opportunity for mid-sized facilities and greater for larger operations. Calculate your potential demand response payment here.

Utilities in California are seeking creative methods to prevent blackouts, which occur during the hottest days of the year. Generally electric demand is highest, and grids are most stressed on summer weekdays from 4-9 pm. Dimming lights during extreme heat events may also give air conditioning a well needed break and reduce equipment failure.  

Participating commercial users will be asked to lower electric use for 3-5 hours on the hottest days. They will receive a text message or email identifying the time and date for targeted reduction. They are under no obligation to actually dim fixtures, but will be paid for real reduction.

LADWP calculates demand response reduction based on metered electric use compared to normal use and to a control group. Nothing is needed from the grower to prove energy savings. Incentives for the summer are paid out in November by automatic deposits from Seinergy. Growers can expect up to 12 requests per calendar year.

LADWP is an electric and water utility that serves the city of Los Angeles, as well as parts of Bishop, Culver City, South Pasadena, and West Hollywood. Funding is limited, and payments are prorated to your enrollment date, so sign up today. Enrollment takes 10 minutes. See if you qualify today.

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