Albuquerque grower receives $27K in rebates with persistent creativity

As they prepared an indoor facility in Albuquerque, a New Mexico grower hesitated at the price tag for new LEDs. Luckily, their vendor was a local retailer who heard there may be an opportunity for energy rebates to offset the cost. And their facility was in Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) territory, where commercial rebates were available. 

Ultimately, the grower succeeded in getting $27K back in rebates, for a project with a total cost of $107K.

Seinergy initially estimated a $7,000 rebate to the grower. This amount was enough for them to move forward. However, they admitted that the ~8% rebate was disappointing. Agreeing that it should be higher given the scope of the project, Seinergy analysts worked to search for opportunities to increase it. 

Seinergy included DEHU units in the rebate application for a few extra thousand dollars, along with the cost of  installation labor, electricians, and controllers. Seinergy also channeled the project through the prescriptive incentive program. For this project, the prescriptive resulted in a higher rebate, although it took modeling both avenues to figure that out.

By June, the facility was up and running with new Gavita and Sun System fixtures, along with three Quest units. Representatives of PNM inspected the facility and issued the approval.

The grower in Albuquerque received their much-anticipated $27,000 rebate in October. They are now utilizing quality equipment with significantly lower operational bills. 

“YAY!  Y’all rock! Thanks again,” was their parting comment upon receiving the deposit.

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