Where Are These Cannabis Grow-Light Incentives?

Since 2014 Seinergy has been working closely with utilities to catalog and promote utility funding opportunities for cannabis grow lights. When it comes to custom industrial process you sometimes need an advocate to secure your proper incentive funding. And you are probably eligible for more incentive than you think! Check with us today for a free rebate estimate.

Why work with Seinergy?

Rebates Are Huge

20-60% cash-back rebates are possible.

Expert inputs = better results.

Get it done right!

Rebates Are Complicated

They require patience, advocacy, and are not guaranteed.

Most projects involve 80+ inputs, 100+ utility interactions, and 130 days to complete.

Work With an Expert

We'll spare you the guesswork, hassle, and common mistakes.

Misunderstanding of the process, cutting corners, getting greedy and working with shady actors may disqualify your project or land you in fraud territory.

Complete Cannabis Energy Solutions Offered

Grow Lamp Rebate Estimates

How much can you expect? 20-60% cashback - really?!? How is that calculated? What is the process like? How long does it take? Does cost matter? Who pays these rebates and why?

Rebate Fulfillment

Our core service and speciality.

We protect you from guesswork, paperwork and hassle, and ensure you get the best rebate possible from your utility.  Rebates can take months and can fall apart in a moment. Leave the details to us and stay focused on your plants.

Energy Planning & Utility Relations

How many amps do you need? Who pays for this transformer? How can you negotiate with your utility?  What rate is best for you? How can you get better pricing from your utility?  Work with us; we are utility staff, Certified Energy Managers, and financial planners.

Energy Security, Redundancy, Backup, Peak-Shifting

Are you prepared for blackouts? Do you have 3 days of on-site power reserve?  How long will your facility survive without HVAC, dehumidification, security cameras? Can you use batteries to avoid peak energy prices?

Power Quality

Cleaner electricity = reduced energy bills and equipment failure. For facilities with loads >500kW or annual energy use >1,000,000 kWh. Generous utility rebates often apply.

Renewables, Microgrid, Co-gen

Integrate alternative, clean, redundant power sources into your business plan. You'll have questions about where to start; we have answers.

Energy Disclosures, Offsets, Sustainability

Does your state have energy disclosures requirements, LPD mandates, energy plans, renewables offset requirements?  Do you want to benchmark your resource use so you can know where you stack up? Our Certified Energy Managers can help.

Utility Grid Services & Demand Response

Are your power loads flexible? Can you respond to utility price signals in real-time? Curb loads upon request, for cash? Pilot programs available in select locations.  Reduce energy bills, or earn money by providing grid services.

Utility Program Planning, Engagement

Utility customer engagement, web content, intake forms, online calculators, calculation methodology, baseline documentation, peer utility program insights.... We speak grower and we speak utility. We know what a good utility program looks like and how to get yours off the ground.